July 24, 2008

An Eco-Tech Optometrist

Advanced Eyecare and Optical
Spokane, Washington

When practice owner Todd Wylie, O.D. decided it was time to move to a larger office he wanted a one of a kind design that would combine his top two personal interests. Dr. Wylie enjoys the great natural beauty of the Northwest and wanted to bring it inside. He also wanted to build his new office as "green" and energy-efficient as possible while incorporating all the latest high tech equipment. "I don’t plan to move again at this stage in my career," he states, "so this was my last chance to build my dream office."

He leased a 5,550 square foot two-story building with an elevator that formerly housed a credit union. He knew he needed some expert assistance to bring his ideas to fruition and make the patient flow work smoothly on two levels. Read more.

How to Build an Optical WITHOUT Expensive Display Fixtures

When you're opening a small office, especially if it's your first office and you are opening cold, you are probably looking for a way to get it designed and built economically. You can go to one of the fixture companies and they'll give you a free floor plan. But the optical will consist of a layout with the fixtures they expect to sell you. And those fixtures can cost $25,000 or more.

Many of you don't want a "me, too" office that's just a box with fixtures stacked against the walls. So what else can you do? I've got the answer for you. Now you can have a Barbara Wright-designed office at a price that won't break the bank.

The Ready To Build Plan Package is a set of pre-designed plans for your space with a good-looking optical that's easy and inexpensive to build---no display fixtures required!

Your office can look just as great as the one in the photo. A local contractor built this entire display wall himself--no display fixtures, and no custom cabinets needed. It doesn't get any cheaper than that! Heck, if you're handy enough, you can build it yourself!

But you've got to know how to build it and what size to build it. You've got to know exactly which light fixture to put in and where to order it. That's why you need the Ready To Build Plan Package. All that information and more is right there on paper so you or your contractor will know just what to do.

Our Ready To Build Plan Package enables you to design it yourself with the help of your contractor or a local drafting person. These are designs proven to make your frames look so good, they practically sell themselves.

When you buy this package, you get personal consultation from me as a bonus. This is an option that you ought to explore if you want an office that works at a price that works for you.
Learn more at our website.

Or just call our office and make an appointment to talk with me. I'll explain how the Ready To Build Plan Package works and then you decide if it's right for you.

Call toll-free 888-422-0361
